Open the Eyes of my Heart

Today, over 130 of our church kids (and their friends) are plugging into our online VBS.  It kicks off today in homes all around our city.  Although VBS looks a little different than usual, I have no doubt that this will be a week of significant spiritual growth for these youngsters.  Let’s pray that this is a formative week for kids and families as they learn God’s truth together and celebrate his love and grace.

Let me give you a little glimpse of what they are up to.

The theme of VBS is FOCUS!  They began their week by looking at this simple and profound truth that I think has huge relevance for all of us.  It’s from Paul’s letter to the Romans:

Ever since the world was created it has been possible to see the qualities of God that are not seen. I’m talking about his eternal power and about the fact that he is God. Those things can be seen in what he has made. So people have no excuse for what they do.  Romans 1:20

The kiddos are learning about how the evidence of God and his love is all around us, if we will just open our eyes to see it.  Referred to in religious circles as “natural theology,” this is the idea that God has made our world in such a way that it can be observed by all people that God is big, creative, and loving.  The kids discussed signs of God: from the vastness of our universe, all the way down to the microscopic alveoli in our lungs.

It is important for our kids to learn this truth, but it is equally important for us “grown-ups” to remember that evidence of our good God is all around us if we have eyes to see it.  Seeing evidence of God doesn’t just serve to introduce non-Christians to our God.  It also serves to encourage and sustain Christians throughout their lives.  To the extent that we, Jesus-followers, can open the eyes of our hearts to see God in our daily experience will bless us and connect us in life-giving spirituality.  Some of the most peaceful, loving, and healthy people that I’ve known are people that have trained their eyes to see God all over their ordinary lives.

Let’s open our eyes to the person and work of God in our lives this week.  AND, don’t forget to pray for our kiddos as they do the same!


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