Event Series Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn

Café in Overland Park 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

This ministry to our older parishioners happens on the second Thursday of every month. Each month we enjoy lunch ($10), meet new friends, and hear from a speaker. Please RSVP to Amanda Goin-Burgess, amandaLgoin@gmail.com, 48 hours in advance of the event.

Event Series Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn

Café in Overland Park 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

This ministry to our older parishioners happens on the second Thursday of every month. Each month we enjoy lunch ($10), meet new friends, and hear from a speaker. Please RSVP to Amanda Goin-Burgess, amandaLgoin@gmail.com, 48 hours in advance of the event.

Event Series Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn

Café in Overland Park 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

This ministry to our older parishioners happens on the second Thursday of every month. Each month we enjoy lunch ($10), meet new friends, and hear from a speaker. Please RSVP to Amanda Goin-Burgess, amandaLgoin@gmail.com, 48 hours in advance of the event.

Event Series Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn

Café in Overland Park 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

This ministry to our older parishioners happens on the second Thursday of every month. Each month we enjoy lunch ($10), meet new friends, and hear from a speaker. Please RSVP to Amanda Goin-Burgess, amandaLgoin@gmail.com, 48 hours in advance of the event.

Event Series Dealing with Depression

Dealing with Depression

Café in Overland Park 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Do you, or someone you love, suffer from depression? We are hosting a free, 5-week course intended for people suffering from depression, who have a history of suffering from depression, or for loved ones walking alongside of those who are. We will look at what depression is, possible causes, and discuss ways to deal with […]

Event Series Dealing with Depression

Dealing with Depression

Café in Overland Park 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Do you, or someone you love, suffer from depression? We are hosting a free, 5-week course intended for people suffering from depression, who have a history of suffering from depression, or for loved ones walking alongside of those who are. We will look at what depression is, possible causes, and discuss ways to deal with […]

Event Series Dealing with Depression

Dealing with Depression

Café in Overland Park 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Do you, or someone you love, suffer from depression? We are hosting a free, 5-week course intended for people suffering from depression, who have a history of suffering from depression, or for loved ones walking alongside of those who are. We will look at what depression is, possible causes, and discuss ways to deal with […]

Event Series Dealing with Depression

Dealing with Depression

Café in Overland Park 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Do you, or someone you love, suffer from depression? We are hosting a free, 5-week course intended for people suffering from depression, who have a history of suffering from depression, or for loved ones walking alongside of those who are. We will look at what depression is, possible causes, and discuss ways to deal with […]

Event Series Dealing with Depression

Dealing with Depression

Café in Overland Park 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Do you, or someone you love, suffer from depression? We are hosting a free, 5-week course intended for people suffering from depression, who have a history of suffering from depression, or for loved ones walking alongside of those who are. We will look at what depression is, possible causes, and discuss ways to deal with […]

Event Series Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn

Café in Overland Park 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

This ministry to our older parishioners happens on the second Thursday of every month. Each month we enjoy lunch ($10), meet new friends, and hear from a speaker. Please RSVP to Amanda Goin-Burgess, amandaLgoin@gmail.com, 48 hours in advance of the event.

Event Series Dealing with Depression

Dealing with Depression

Café in Overland Park 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Do you, or someone you love, suffer from depression? We are hosting a free, 5-week course intended for people suffering from depression, who have a history of suffering from depression, or for loved ones walking alongside of those who are. We will look at what depression is, possible causes, and discuss ways to deal with […]

Event Series Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn

Café in Overland Park 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

This ministry to our older parishioners happens on the second Thursday of every month. Each month we enjoy lunch ($10), meet new friends, and hear from a speaker. Please RSVP to Amanda Goin-Burgess, amandaLgoin@gmail.com, 48 hours in advance of the event.

Exploring Baptism Class for Overland Park

Café in Overland Park 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Baptism is a special event in the life of our community. If you attend our Overland Park location and are interested in baptism for yourself or your kids, please join an informational meeting on Sunday, October 8 at 12:30pm. Lunch and limited childcare are available with registration. CLICK HERE to learn more and register.

Learning Lab: Art in Faith and Worship

Café in Overland Park 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Join us for a special Learning Lab with guest speaker, Fr. Vincent de Paul Crosby, O.S.B. Vincent is a monk of Saint Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe, PA. He is also the designer of many of the altar linens and clergy vestments we use every Sunday in our worship services. In addition to his work as an […]

Event Series Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn

Café in Overland Park 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

This ministry to our older parishioners happens on the second Thursday of every month. Each month we enjoy lunch ($10), meet new friends, and hear from a speaker. Please RSVP to Amanda Goin-Burgess, amandaLgoin@gmail.com, 48 hours in advance of the event.