Drop What You’re Doing

Greetings in Jesus’ name!

Imagine that you’re at work and someone approaches you and says, “Come follow me.” And what is meant by that is not in the least bit figurative. In other words, “Stop what you’re doing, leave everything behind, and come learn how to do life from me.”

Now, before you form a response, suppose this is the best, wisest person you’ve ever met. You’d actually love to learn from this person. Even so, it’s still extremely difficult to conceive of actually getting up and going and leaving everything behind – your family, friends, job, and all of your possessions. And yet, that is exactly what we’re going to study this coming Sunday as we deal with Mark 1:14-20 – Jesus’ call to his disciples.

If nothing else, I want us to feel the gravity of the decision they made. Not many of us would likely say “yes’ to that same offer. Indeed, not everyone did say “yes” to Jesus, and we’ll look at some of those different responses as well. And what accounts for those differences? Why did some say “yes” and immediately followed Jesus while others said “no” and walked away or answered with something in between. We’re going to think about all of these questions on Sunday.

Let me also remind you that our Annual Meeting is this coming Monday, January 25, at 7:00pm. We will announce the results of the Parish Council Election, hear some excellent financial updates, and take a few minutes to remember those whom we love, but see no longer. I hope that all members of Christ Church will participate. A Zoom link will be sent on Monday morning.

Also, I am glad that we had a peaceful inauguration on Wednesday. Now I pray for President Biden, just like I prayed for all who served before him. “O Lord our Governor, whose glory fills all the world: We commend this Nation to your merciful care, that we may be guided by your providence, and dwell secure in your peace. Grant to President Biden, Governor Kelly, Governor Parson, and to all in authority, wisdom and strength to know and to do your will. Fill them with the love of truth and righteousness, and make them continually mindful of their calling to serve this people in reverent obedience to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.” Book of Common Prayer 2019, pg. 657.

Blessings and keep your eyes on Jesus!


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