Event Series Alpha


Disciples' Center 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, United States

Alpha is a place to bring your questions about God, faith, or life in a safe and inviting atmosphere. We meet at 5500 W 91st Street and begin each night with dinner at 6:00pm; the evening ends by 8:15pm. Childcare is provided. CLICK HERE to learn more about Alpha.

Event Series Middle School Student Life

Middle School Student Life

Student Life Basement 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Student Life is a place for our teenagers to connect with God, develop life-giving friendships, and grow as disciples. On Wednesday nights this fall, our Middle School students will gather from 6-8pm in the Student Life basement at our Overland Park location. While the weekly schedule rotates, each month we have time for fun, community-building […]

Global Outreach Luncheon

Disciples' Center 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, United States

Have you ever wanted to learn more about the ministries we're partnered with across the world? We're hosting a lunch on Sunday, February 23 at 12:15p at our Overland Park location for that exact purpose. Joining us will be Gabriel Iguma, Chairman of the Northern Uganda Partnership, and Margaret Merritt, Executive Director of the LAMB […]

Event Series High School Student Life

High School Student Life

Student Life Basement 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Student Life is a place for our teenagers to connect with God, develop life-giving friendships, and grow as disciples. On Sunday nights this fall, our High School students will gather from 5-7pm in the Student Life basement at our Overland Park location. They'll have tons of fun while building community as well as diving into topics […]

Event Series Alpha


Disciples' Center 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, United States

Alpha is a place to bring your questions about God, faith, or life in a safe and inviting atmosphere. We meet at 5500 W 91st Street and begin each night with dinner at 6:00pm; the evening ends by 8:15pm. Childcare is provided. CLICK HERE to learn more about Alpha.

Event Series Middle School Student Life

Middle School Student Life

Student Life Basement 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Student Life is a place for our teenagers to connect with God, develop life-giving friendships, and grow as disciples. On Wednesday nights this fall, our Middle School students will gather from 6-8pm in the Student Life basement at our Overland Park location. While the weekly schedule rotates, each month we have time for fun, community-building […]

Confirmation Service

Nave in OP 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Confirmation marks the point in a person’s faith journey when they affirm the faith into which they were baptized as a child and their intention to live a life of discipleship to Jesus. This affirmation is confirmed through prayer and the laying on of hands by our bishop at this Confirmation Service. For more information […]

Event Series High School Student Life

High School Student Life

Student Life Basement 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Student Life is a place for our teenagers to connect with God, develop life-giving friendships, and grow as disciples. On Sunday nights this fall, our High School students will gather from 5-7pm in the Student Life basement at our Overland Park location. They'll have tons of fun while building community as well as diving into topics […]

Event Series Alpha


Disciples' Center 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, United States

Alpha is a place to bring your questions about God, faith, or life in a safe and inviting atmosphere. We meet at 5500 W 91st Street and begin each night with dinner at 6:00pm; the evening ends by 8:15pm. Childcare is provided. CLICK HERE to learn more about Alpha.

Ash Wednesday


Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent—the forty days leading up to our joyful celebration of Easter. It's a season marked by self-reflection, repentance, prayer, and fasting. Please join us as we prayerfully commit the season of Lent to God. Overland Park: services will happen at Noon & 7pm Mission: services will […]

Event Series Middle School Student Life

Middle School Student Life

Student Life Basement 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Student Life is a place for our teenagers to connect with God, develop life-giving friendships, and grow as disciples. On Wednesday nights this fall, our Middle School students will gather from 6-8pm in the Student Life basement at our Overland Park location. While the weekly schedule rotates, each month we have time for fun, community-building […]

Lenten Day Retreat

Marillac Retreat Center 4200 S 4th St, Leavenworth, KS

Please join us for a guided "Lenten Day Retreat" at the Marillac Retreat Center in Leavenworth, KS on Saturday, March 8 from 9a-3p. . The retreat will be structured yet simple, with times together as well as space for individual reflection, silence, and meditation as we enter the season of Lent. . Registration is $25 […]

Event Series High School Student Life

High School Student Life

Student Life Basement 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Student Life is a place for our teenagers to connect with God, develop life-giving friendships, and grow as disciples. On Sunday nights this fall, our High School students will gather from 5-7pm in the Student Life basement at our Overland Park location. They'll have tons of fun while building community as well as diving into topics […]

Event Series Middle School Student Life

Middle School Student Life

Student Life Basement 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Student Life is a place for our teenagers to connect with God, develop life-giving friendships, and grow as disciples. On Wednesday nights this fall, our Middle School students will gather from 6-8pm in the Student Life basement at our Overland Park location. While the weekly schedule rotates, each month we have time for fun, community-building […]

Event Series Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn

Café in Overland Park 5500 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

This ministry to our older parishioners happens on the second Thursday of every month. Each month we enjoy lunch ($10), meet new friends, and hear from a speaker. Please RSVP to Amanda Goin-Burgess, amandaLgoin@gmail.com, 48 hours in advance of the event.